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Created: Wednesday, 04 March 2015 22:03 243 Hits Category: Press Comment count: 0 Written by The VIBE!

­­­­­The VIBE Press Release

Glamour and Mystery

For Immediate Release

Contact:      Susan Short

Telephone: (941) 366 -3757

Location:    1751 Mound Street

                   Sarasota, FL 34236


“Each week we will take you on a journey of discovery visiting an array of fascinating people who live and work here among us”, says Justin Maina host of new television show, The VIBE. On this exciting new series, Justin and a variety of different personalities will explore the amenities and environments of the wealthy. They will speak with the owners of fine establishments to discover more about the feeling, the VIBE, one can take away from experiencing these luxuries. The question being answered is who are these people and how can we come to understand of this kind of high lifestyle.

“Are they different in some way? In some ways are not. But, they all have one thing in common- they are living authentic lives doing what they love…each week, we will spend time with interesting people who will inspire you. Successful people in the arts such as fine artists, theatre directors, musicians…We'll also spend time with those who are still struggling to reach their goals and achieve their dreams…They will all have something in common- a passion for life and living.

No subject will be taboo.”


The VIBE will take place weekly and explore different activities, topics and places typically reserved for society’s upper echelon. These can range from conversations with the owners of private jets to the realtors who sell multi-million dollar mansions. The host will conduct insightful discussions with domestic and international business holders and artists alike. The series will have a focus on the difference between the common man and the man of means. As well, it will have an emphasis on the differences between Europe, Asia and the US. Audiences will be intrigued by and educated on upscale living.

The viewer will tune in weekly as they visit beautiful and iconic locations, complete with an exploration of the setting, as they encounter different individuals and success stories of the area’s entrepreneurs. John Alexander is the producer and creator of The VIBE. He is also the executive director of New Vision Advertising. The show hosted by four hosts to entertain a wide variety of audience.

So, let the journey begin… THIS IS THE VIBE

Created: Thursday, 18 September 2014 08:35 2695 Hits Category: Uncategorised Comment count: 0 Written by The VIBE!

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